21 August 2007

A Swat on the Nose

In today's Dinette Set, the reader must question their sanity, although questioning the artist is more appropriate:
  • Are we to understand that rather than going out to solicit help in finding their dog, these unknown neighbors simply waited for Burl, Joy, Marlene, and Dale to wander over and then ordered them to go search?
  • Are we to understand that this dog will only wander in alleys?
  • Are we to understand there are alleys in suburbia?
  • Finally, what exactly are we to understand from Burl's rather sinister parting shot? He's either killed the dog or adopted it. The 101 100 Dalmatians on Ice T-shirt is, unfortunately, not encouraging.
One thing we can be sure of...the artist does not know how to spell Dalmatian.


Anonymous said...

From the way Burl's owl-head is turned, I thought he might just have observed the dog getting run over by a car. Either way, it's not good news for the pooch. I'm so tired of "on ice" T-Shirts.

Michael Foley said...

My impression is that Burl killed the dog as well. I wish there were asterisks in the Dinette Set dialogue, explaining where and what the jokes are.

Mike Podgor said...

Look closer at the shirt: it only says "100 Dalmatians On Ice".