29 August 2007

Cyber Worm

In today's Dinette Set, it would appear Burl is confusing viruses with computer games, which counts as one of life's least common misunderstandings. Which is a shame since the Dinette Set has shown the ability to be technologically savvy on occasion.

On an unrelated note, does anyone have a theory about when the artist chooses to mock a brand name (Dull) versus use it correctly (Eddie Bauer, Cartier). My theory is that it's exclusively a function of whether the brand in question is personally favored by the artist or not. While fairly unsatisfying, this explanation at least fits into the extreme parochial zeitgeist of the panel.


Michael Foley said...

Yesterday I commented about Timmy learning about the internet, and now he's in a computer class? Am I being given a shout-out?

And what's up with the crackhead in the back?

Anonymous said...

Regarding brand names, I think it's a matter of whether or not she can think up a parody of the name.

"Hmmm...Cartier...Cartier...Let's see...Fartier? Nah, too racy. Shartier? No, that's even worse," and so on.