02 August 2007

Moons over My-Hammy

In today's Dinette Set, hoo-boy! I can barely write from the laughing. See, they're all obese over-eaters and should die soon!

In another bright note, Luther/Burl's sequestration ended quickly.


Anonymous said...

maybe julie doesn't understand the quaint "show, don't tell" concept. maybe it was never taught to her. maybe asking someone with the limited art skills of julie larson to "show" is asking for pain. i dunno.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's a glandular problem, shut up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe tomorrow's script will show them asking for a "to go box" and taking 1/2 of their meals home to warm up and eat the next day!

Michael Foley said...

This is supposed to be funny, right? Do I have to live in the suburbs to get these jokes?

Anonymous said...

What's funny about a to go box?