16 May 2007

Just Like Mom

In today's Dinette Set, Patty is forced into several horrifying realizations:
  • Her purse is the size of a pirate's treasure chest.
  • Newton's laws are not in effect, as Burl is able to lean on a shopping cart without it rolling out from under him.
  • One of the shadowy figures in the background appears to be groping the other's crotch. For my own sanity's sake, I choose not to consider the possibility that the motion lines belong to the shadowy figure rather than indicating that Burl is trying to pull Patty over backwards.


Anonymous said...

You silly thing---thats not a pirate chest purse that Patty has---thats the Coach Bag for $400.00 that I want!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It may be a coach bag, but it still looks like Link should find the map to the dungeon in there...