05 September 2007

A Fine Example

Millenia from now, if someone wanted to demonstrate to our Galactic Overlords what the 21st Century's Dinette Set was all about, I think this panel would fit the bill nicely.

It begins with several lines of the most pedestrian conversation imaginable and ends with a vaguely inappropriate remark from Burl. A remark so parochial as to be virtually indistinguishable from continuation of the same boring conversation.

The key characteristic, of course, is that Burl's remark should be only vaguely inappropriate, since the panel lacks the courage necessary to say something wildly inappropriate that might actually be, you know...funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like DaveyK's idea that Burl should say something wildly inappropriate.

"Thank you Cheryl! We LOVE green Beans!"
"Joy, I'm warming up the lube!"

"Thank you Cheryl! We love green Beans!"
"Not as much as we love pot, did you pick any of that, too?."

You know - something wildly inappropriate - not funny necessarily, just inappropriate :) ...