12 July 2007

Mood Swings

In today's Dinette Set, we'll use the Mood Ring to tell the story of the reader's trek through this panel:
  • Black (Stressed, tense or feeling harried) - A mood ring? A mood ring? Seriously, you want to base a panel on a freaking mood ring?
  • Grey (Anxious, very nervous, strained) - Seriously, have you never heard of Wikipedia? You're too lazy to look up what the colors actually mean? Instead you substitute some half-assed cultural color equivalents?
  • Amber (A little Nervous, emotions mixed, unsettled) - Dale is voicing what I was thinking, that a mood ring is a really unusual item? Crap, it just makes me hate myself when any part of me comes even close to being reflected by one of these asses.
  • Blue (Relaxed, at ease, calm, stoned) - actually, this happens 20 minutes later after I decided on an alternate activity to reading the final dialog balloon. Can anyone tell me what happened there at the end?


Anonymous said...

unnecessary words in today's "dinette set":

Anonymous said...

Davey, I have a good suggestion--why don't you quit wasting your very valuable and precious time reading "The Dinette Set" my less the comments you make of this (in your words) stupid cartoon?

Anonymous said...

nikki, you've clearly missed what it says at the top of each page here... "Because stuff like this should not go without comment."

Anonymous said...

To follow up on what Jake said - do you think she draws the speech bubbles before she has written the dialog? If there is too much white space, she fills it by making the sentences unnecessarily labored or wordy.

Anonymous said...

Good thought, Millard... that could explain some of the bizarre sentences, especially given her apparently fear of erasers.

Anonymous said...

oh nikki; you're usually so bubbly...criticisms hit a little close to home today?

Anonymous said...

Jake, I am always bubbly and yes, you are right---it did hit close to home---I have neighbors exactly like the Penny's ---all these years I have complained about them and now I feel sorry and pity them!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess you would say I am having a mood swing!