24 September 2007

Zombie Flares

Today's Dinette Set is almost devoid of marginalia, settling for just 2 fake tabloid titles and some standard commentary regarding Burl's bowels.

The background, usually a canvas against which is set all manner of marginalia, is today dominated by the meeting of a white white semi-circle and the encroaching darkness. The heads of two white zombies jut into the darkness.

Shall we read into this that the white zombies are winning the battle? I think we shall.


Anonymous said...

How many Bran Pellets and Emergency Toilet Paper rolls can one couple need?

Then again, there could be a connection.

Anonymous said...

large spaces are especially difficult for julie larson to draw. considering everything is difficult for julie larson to draw, that's really saying something.

Anonymous said...

My, but there's a heapin' helpin' of bad artwork here today. It took me a long time to figure out that the cashier is supposed to be five aisles AWAY, rather than five aisles UP. It was not time well-spent.

Michael Foley said...

It looks like that old game, Tapper.

Anonymous said...

Except the perspective on tapper was better.

Michael Foley said...

In her defense... it's hard for a professional artist to compete with a 1983 video game.