28 September 2007

Art Faire

In today's Dinette Set, we are able, at least, to divine that our protagonists are Philistines and laugh at them for that reason.

Burl's desire to go to a MacDonald's Playplace sure is a surreal ending, however.


Eric said...

But, where to the Pennys get their endless and everchanging collection of clown painting? Probably the starving artist sale. Heck, I bet they made a joke about that sometime already.

I, for one, go to art faires for the corndogs and whatnot. So, put me in a box with the Pennys.

Michael Foley said...

There's a game I've been playing with Dinette Set. I imagine that immediately after the scene, someone (usually Burl) gets smacked hard. The dialogue is almost always structured to accommodate this game.

In this case, the artist lady would immediately whirl around and give Burl a backfist right in the chops, or maybe an open handed chop to the Adam's apple. Nobody would do anything because they'd know he deserved it by disrespecting her. Then she'd stroll away, and he'd get to go to his stupid McDonald's.